CAPCA Spring Golf Outing
Wednesday, April 9, 2025
Coordinated by Bob Hart, ThermoFisher Scientific/CAPCA
Join us at the CAPCA Spring Golf Outing on Wednesday, April 9, 2025. We will be playing a Captain’s Choice format at the Reems Creek Golf Club (828-645-4393), 36 Pink Fox Cove Road, Weaverville, NC. 28787.
The fee at Reems Creek is $80.00 per person (includes; greens fees, cart, and small bag of range balls). Each player will pay directly to Reems Creek Golf Course at the time of sign in.
Tee-times will start at approximately 10:00 AM; approximate 10-minute intervals between teams.
As we did at the Fall outing; we will have 4-closest to the pin holes, 1-long drive hole, and the lowest Team Score contest. There will be a $5 cash entry fee per person for the closest to the pin contest; and another $5 cash entry fee per person for mulligans (4 per team) to be used for the Lowest Team Score contest (winning team takes all). Note; Cash only (No Venmo, etc. or Checks Accepted).
If you would like to donate a prize for the long drive contest (golf balls, hats, etc) please let me know.
You do not have to participate in any of these if you do not choose to.
For questions, please contact Bob at Bob.Hart@ThermoFisher.com or (704) 798-6403. The team assignments and tee-times will be emailed to participants by Monday, April 7th.
Also please notify Bob via email or text even if you register online. Deadline for notification to Bob is by Friday, April 4th, 2025.